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AFPU Photographs

A small selection of AFPU photographs from the IWM collection


An SAS patrol in North African desert, 18 January 1943. The Arab headless, although ironic, may have been mainly worn for publicity shote. (Major Geoffrey Keating, AFPU)

Advance of Churchill tanks of 56th Division, north-east of Argentina, Italy, 17 April 1945. (Sgt Bert Currey, AFPU).


8:30am, 6 June 1944, on 'Queen Red' beach. Sappers of 84 Field Coy, Royal Engineers and 8 Field Ambulance, RAMC come under mortar fire.  (Sgt Jim Mapham, AFPU).

Men of No. 4 Commando use an improvised stretcher to bring one of their casualties back as they advance into Ouistreham, 6 June 1944.( Sgt George Laws, AFPU)


A 6pdr anti-tank gun of 1st Bn, Border Regt engage a German tank, just 80m away, at the Herberg crossroads, 20 Sept. 1944. (Sgt Mike Lewis, AFPU).

Men from 1st Bn, Border Regt waiting in roadside ditches along the van Lennepweg, Oosterbeck, 21 Sept. 1944. The enemy are 100 yds away. (Sgt Dennis Smith, AFPU).

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